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What The Last Year Has Taught Me

We can all agree that 2020 was rough. But that rolled into 2021 as well. I feel like I have  been through more in 2021, than I did in 2020. Here is what all the hard times have taught me.

Never Take Anything For Granted

Never take anything or anyone for granted. Appreciate every moment you have doing the things you love, and being with the people you love. You never know when your life could change. Life happens, sickness happens and plans change. Appreciate what you have while you have it.

Enjoy The Time You Have With The People You Love Most

Enjoy the time you do have with your friends and family. No matter how healthy, how stable they may seem, that can all change in an instant. 

My mom was as healthy as ever, little did we know she had a brain tumor that almost took her life in a matter of seconds. 

People get sick, they move, or get new jobs. 

You never know how much time you have with your favorite people, so make the most of each moment.

Have Lots Of Patience

It’s easy to get easily annoyed when things do not go our way, when there is a slight inconvenience. We can choose how we react. We can let it get us down and bother us, or we can choose to react with patience and kindness and make others feel good, and make ourselves happier by doing so. 

I challenge you to have a little extra patience for the people who make things a little more difficult. 

Be Kind To Everyone

Smile at strangers, hold the door open for the person behind you, say thank you,  tip your waiter a little extra, or compliment someone’s outfit. Make someone’s day a little bit better by sharing a simple act of kindness. You never know how you can make someone’s day better!

You Never Know What Someone Is Going Through

No matter how close you are to them, you never really know exactly what they are going through and dealing with. We are all fighting our own battles. Whether it is mental, physical or emotional, we are all going through something. Let’s give each other grace and understanding.

Self Care Is Extremely Important

We get so caught up in taking care of other people, doing our jobs and working that we forget to take care of ourselves. We can get so involved in other things that we even neglect our health. We forget to eat, we put off working out, we don’t get enough sleep, or even sleep too much. 

Be sure to take the time you need for yourself. What do YOU need? Set aside time for yourself and make yourself a priority. You will feel so much better, both physically and mentally. 

It’s Ok To Cry

We often feel like we have to hide our emotions. That we have to stay strong to keep others from feeling awkward and spare their feelings. However, sometimes we should be selfish and let out our feelings. If we keep them bottled up inside it could ruin our mental health.

It’s Ok To Be On Mental Health Medication

Mental struggles are more common than people realize. A lot of people struggle with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, etc. Some people need medication to be able to control it. Do not feel bad about yourself or feel like you should have to hide the fact that you need medication for your mental health. Because, you are not alone. 

Ask For Help

Do not go through hard times alone. Ask for help when you need it. Either from a family member or friend. Even if you just need to talk, someone you are close to would be happy to listen, or even consider therapy. Therapy is never something to be ashamed of, rather something to be proud of for being strong enough to make the decision for yourself to go. Do not sit in silence. If you need to talk, are going through something or need help in any way, do not suffer alone and sit in silence. Find someone to talk to or get the help you need. Put your pride aside and ask for help, trust me, you will feel a lot better. 

I’ve learned a lot in the last year and grown a lot. It’s true what they say, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” This last year has definitely made me stronger.

Kennedy Lane



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