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What is Love?

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.” – 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

What does it mean to love? We should love others, not just our spouse or our families, but all people we come in contact with. It is not just a feeling but it is also a decision that we make daily. 

Love Is Patient

Nobody is perfect. We are all on different timelines. We can end up going on different paths than the ones we love, but it is in those times that we have to be patient and understanding of those we love and support them in the season of life that they are in. If you have patience you will be able to get through it together and be even stronger through it. 

Love Is Kind

Always treat others with kindness. Everyone that you meet, you should treat them kindly. Whether you are strangers or family, you should always treat others with kindness, because love is kind. You can show kindness in simple ways like a hug or a smile, or make a grand gesture by giving gifts. 

Love Does Not Envy

Love does not envy others. It accepts them for who they are. Turn what might be envy into appreciation for others and use it as a tool in your own life to better yourself. What do you start to envy about others? Reflect on that and think about what you appreciate about them and how you would like to implement some of their traits into your own life. 

Love Does Not Boast

Love does not boast or brag, rather, it is humble and it is kept to itself. Love is between two people. It is not open to the world to know every detail, it is between two people and is their relationship, it is nobody else’s business on how they decide they want their relationship to be. We should love one another in the way we want to show love. 

Love Is Not Proud

Love is also not proud. It does not brag about its accomplishments. It shows love for the other person in a humble way. You show the other person that you are proud of them, not in a way that is overbearing to the rest of the world. 

Love Does Not Dishonor Others

When we love others, we are to support one another and show them we love them through thick and thin. We are to show them we are there for them in every way possible, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Love does not push anyone to the side, but puts others first. 

Love Is Not Self-seeking

We do not love for ourselves, but for others. We are to make them happy and show them they are cared for. Love is about showing your affection to someone you care about. It can be as simple as a hug, or as big as giving an extravagant gift. There are no limits to love. Love however you know how to love best. 

Love Is Not Easily Angered

In the same way that love is patient, it is also not easily angered. Communication is so important in any relationship, especially when one person is upset. It is important to talk about how you are feeling and open to communicating with one another to build your relationship even stronger. 

Love Keeps No Record Of Wrongs

We are all human and all make mistakes. Love does not keep track of how many times one person messed up or how many times someone was wrong. Love always forgives and accepts one another, despite their flaws. 

Love Does Not Delight In Evil

“We love because he first loved us” – 1John 4:19 

God is love and where there is love, there is light. God is always good, therefore there is no evil in love. With love there is only light and goodness. 

Love Rejoices With The Truth

Telling the truth is important in any relationship. Even when the truth is hard to hear, it is important to still be honest. If you mess up, you can work through the mess together, it will make your relationship stronger and you will love each other more through it. 

Love Protects

Protect one another both physically and mentally. Make sure the other person knows how much you love them and are there to protect them. Be there to offer emotional support whenever they need it. Protect them from the evils and dangers of the rest of the world. 

Love Trusts

When you love someone, you should always trust them. Trust them to be faithful and trust that they love you and will continue to love you. Trust that they will communicate to you when something is wrong. Love is always trusting. Never doubt the people that you love, it will only tear your relationship apart. 

Love Always Hopes

Love hopes for the future. It looks on the brighter side of things. It hopes that things will work out for the better and what is meant to be will be. 

Love Always Perseveres

Love always perseveres through the hard times. No matter how difficult the situation may be, love always gets through it. Love always communicates through the hard times and always works through it. Staying silent and trying to work things out on your own will not strengthen your relationship. Instead, work as a team and work through the hard times together. 

Love Never Fails

Through all things, love never fails. Love is everlasting and will live forever. It is never failing. 

Love is a decision that we make every day. We choose to love the people in our lives. It is not just a feeling, but sometimes has to be worked on and is an important decision we make every single day. It is never failing and always good. Show the ones you love how much you love them a little extra today. 

Kennedy Lane



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