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We All Have Different Ways Of Coping

We are all going through something. Everyone has to deal with stress, grief, frustration and so many other emotions at one point or another. We are all built differently, which means we all cope in different ways. And we cope differently for different situations.

You can either cope in a positive way or a negative way, but you ultimately decide how you react to what goes on around you. 


Whether it is school, work, home life or anything else that stresses you out, how you handle stress says a lot about you. Are you good under pressure? Or do you crack? Do you get easily overwhelmed? How can you handle stress better? 

Take a deep breath. Make a physical list of what you need to do. If you have a long to do list that is stressing you out, crossing things off a physical list is so satisfying and lifts a small weight off your shoulder as you complete each task. This is something I do all the time, whether it was homework, work assignments or chores at home, I make a list and check them off one by one to get it done easier. If you have too much to think about and try to keep things organized in your brain, you will get too overwhelmed. 


There are so many things in life that are not in our control. We cannot decide if/when a pet dies or a family member gets sick. It happens out of nowhere and we have to take it as it comes. It is okay to be sad, it is okay to cry and it is okay to grieve. If we do not grieve the hard and upsetting things, then we are not human. But do not let it consume you. Accept that it is okay to be sad, and take it day by day, hour by hour, even minute by minute and with time you will heal. I know it is hard and it is easier said than done, but it will get better. 


Everyone has had their heart broken at some point. When you are young, heartbreak feels like the end of the world. When we think we have found our person, and they walk away unexpectedly, it hurts. We feel rejected, like nobody will ever love us again. Little do we know, that heartbreak is a blessing. Now you can find who you are truly meant to be with. The person you are supposed to spend your life with, and you could not have done that if you were with the wrong person. Celebrate the heartbreak and know that better is coming. There is a rainbow after every storm. 

Ways We Cope 

We all cope with stress, grief and heartbreak in different ways. Sometimes we cut our hair, dye our hair, get a new wardrobe or start a new hobby, maybe even we start a business. We usually do something to better ourselves. We try to keep ourselves busy by doing things we love and are passionate about. Through the hard times is usually when we bloom the most and when we shine the brightest. Yes some days are hard, but there are better days coming. 

Kennedy Lane



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