Having pets throughout your life, especially your childhood is something that everyone needs to experience, especially having dogs. They make life more happy and exciting. They are the best friend that you didn’t know you needed. Here is why my dogs have been my best friends throughout my life.
Growing Up With Dogs
They have been there throughout my entire life. For almost every season, they have been there. I got my Sheltie, Macy when I was six years old. She was with me in many seasons of life. She was with me through elementary school and my transition to middle school. She was with me in my transition to high school. She was always there smiling when I had a hard day. She was there when I was getting ready to go to college and upset when I had to move away, but always so excited to see me when I walked through the front door on random occasions, tail wagging, crying and making her happy noises.

She was there when I had my first boyfriend and first heartbreak, and many more after that. She was there to give hugs and cuddles and so much love when I needed it the most.
Always Happy To See You
You could leave for hours on end, be gone all day, and they would ALWAYS be ecstatic to see you. My dogs would be so happy and jump all over me and bring me balls or bones or flip my arm to pet them. They were always so happy, no matter what. They bring so much joy to my life. Seeing them, playing with them and cuddling them is something that I always looked forward to. I could not imagine a life where I walk through the front door and I’m not greeted by their fluffy little faces.
You Always Have A Friend
Having a dog, is always having a friend. They will listen to you when you need someone to talk to. They may not understand, but you know they still care and are there to give you their unconditional love and support. At the end of the day, you know you are loved unconditionally by them.

Sensing Your Emotions
Dogs have this ability to sense whenever you are happy, sad or angry. They always know how you are feeling. Especially when you are sad. They will come up to you and be there to love you and cuddle you to let you know that they love you and will try to cheer you up when you are down. They are the sweetest, most caring animals that I have ever met. I do not know what I would have done without my dogs in the moments that I was really sad and they were there for me.
Macy was always the most loving. She knew how to give great hugs and would always be there to love on you. She loved everyone, no matter who they were. She had never met a stranger. There were a lot of things that I could learn from her on being supportive and loving to others and that is what I really valued about her.

Unconditional Love
She was the MOST loving dog in the world. She loved absolutely everyone. She was there to give love to anyone who needed it. You could never get too much love from her.
All dogs are always there for you when you need them and their love the most. Do not take your dogs for granted. They live shorter lives than we do and will not be there forever. Give them back the unconditional love that they give you. Because that is the very least we can do for them.