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Routines Are So Freeing

We often take for granted how much having a routine can help us in our day to day lives. When I have some structure to my days and weeks, I feel so much better and more productive. If you are in need of some structure and not sure how to start getting in the habit of forming a routine, here are a few tips.

Get Up At The Same Time Daily

Wake up around the same time each day. Stay within an hour or so and your body clock will make a habit of it and start to naturally wake you up around that time each day. Sleeping in from time to time is nice, but if you wake up at random times every single day, you will probably have a harder time waking up and getting your day going. Plus, when you get your day started earlier, you have more time to get things done. 

Have A Workout Routine

Moving my body daily has improved how I feel both mentally and physically. You do not need to do a hardcore workout at the gym every day. Go for a walk outside, do some yoga or an at home workout. Get your body moving and your heart rate up, even if it just for 20 minutes a day and you will be happy you did. 

Eat Meals At The Same Time

Stay consistent with when you eat your meals each day. Try to eat within the same time frame and this will keep your energy levels up and help you stay focused, especially during the work day. This will help you avoid that midday slump. This also helps to improve your metabolism to keep you healthy.

Schedule Time For Fun

Make sure that you are making time to do the things that make you happy. Never stop doing the things you love, even if they are small, like reading a book, writing, painting, drawing, yoga, dancing or whatever it is you love. Even if you have to schedule it into your day, you will be happier when you do.

Stay Consistent

Stay consistent with the little things you do each day, like eating, waking up, going to bed and working out. The more consistent you are the better your body will feel and the more productive you will be each day. When you stick to a schedule and stay consistent, your body will thank you.Your body will start to get into a routine and improve your overall health, reduce stress and improve your mental health. 

What is your favorite part about your daily routine?

Kennedy Lane



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