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Express Yourself, Get The Tattoo

Society’s view on tattoos seems to be changing. The millennial generation and younger are all for getting tattoos, embracing them and not worried about what the rest of the world thinks. We grew up being told by our parents and grandparents that we should not get tattoos because it makes us look bad or dangerous and we will have a hard time getting a job. While these days, it shows our youth and that we are confident in our own skin.More people are wanting to hire the younger generations to improve business, which means companies are now more open about their employees having tattoos.

First Tattoo?

Are you thinking about getting a tattoo but on the fence about it? I totally understand. I have been there. I thought about my first tattoo for a long time to make sure that it was something I really wanted. I thought about it for probably six months. If you are thinking about getting your first tattoo, here’s my advice:

Make sure it is something you really want

Your first tattoo is special, it should have some sort of special meaning to you. Usually you get a tattoo for a significant reason. It is a form of self expression. It will be a picture that describes a part of you without having to say a word.

If you want to see exactly what it would look like before you commit, there is a website called Inkbox and you can find a design or upload your own and they send you a temporary tattoo of the design you want that lasts for a week or two and looks completely real. So you can try the design in the placement you want before you make a life long commitment. 

Do your research

Research the best shops and artists in your area. Do not settle for a mediocre artist. Take the time to look through their work to see if their tattoo style matches what you want.

Utilize pinterest and google to find a design that you like. If you can’t find a design that portrays exactly what you imagine, send a few reference pictures to your artist and ask them to draw something for you. This is part of their job. They would be more than happy to make sure it is something you are 100% happy with.

Start small

I suggest starting with something small and simple. You do not want to start off too big in case you do not like it. If you start small you can continue to build off of it. But once you go big, you can’t take it away.

Have some support

Getting a tattoo can be a nerve racking experience. Take a friend with you that you are comfortable with that can help you calm your nerves and also get a second opinion about the size and placement of the template before your artist starts. 

No pain, no gain

Tattoos mean needles, so if you do not like needles, tattoos can be scary. The placement of the tattoo and your tolerance level will determine the pain level of the tattoo. It is temporary pain for a lifetime of happiness. It is all worth it in the end. Try not to squirm, or your artist may mess up and you might end up with something looking out of place for the rest of your life.

Wanting More Tattoos?

It is true when they say once you get one tattoo, you will only want more. If you want more, go for it, I support you. I suggest that you keep them tasteful and not too obnoxious. Some employers can still be iffy about the idea of their employees having tattoos. I suggest you stay away from a hand flipping someone off. As long as it is business appropriate, I say go for it. Express yourself. If it makes you happy, who cares if some people will judge you.

Protect Your Tattoos

If you have some fresh ink, make sure you take care of it properly. Make sure you cleanse with unscented soap and keep it moisturized with scent free moisturizer until it is fully healed. Do not scratch or pick at it, especially when it starts to scab and peel. I like to use Rejuveniqe oil to keep my fresh tattoos moisturized. Lucky 13 also has some great tattoo aftercare products to help care for your tattoos after getting them and also brighten up older tattoos! Use code “kennedyglane” for money off your order!

Getting a new tattoo is always fun and exciting. Have fun, don’t be too nervous and remember to tip your artist. They work hard to make you happy. 

Kennedy Lane



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