We are now well into June which is not only the middle of summer, but it is also pride month. During the month of June, everyone who identifies as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) get to celebrate and honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan, which was the tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement. Pride month is celebrated in many different ways, including: pride parades, picnics, parties, workshops, and concerts.
I personally do not celebrate this month because I am not LGBTQ, but I still support those who do and here is why.
Society Is Unaccepting
The LGBTQ movement is a very controversial topic in society today. There are so many people who are not accepting of people who are attracted to other people of the same sex or people who are transgender, etc. It is seen as out of the norm by a lot of people and they are judged for it. People think that love is only between a man and a woman and that is the only way that it should be and if you are attracted to someone of the same gender then you are in the wrong.
I Can’t Imagine How Hard Hiding Your Feelings Are
When people are so unaccepting of who you are and judge you for who you love is so unfair. Straight people are not judged for who they love so why should everyone else be judged? You are living your own life and you should be able to live it free of judgement. But because this is the way our world is today, people tend to hide their true selves from the world. They either try to act straight and convince themselves that they love the opposite gender, or just steer clear from dating altogether.
Dating is already really hard as it is when you are straight. I have my struggles with dating and relationships, and I cannot even imagine how much more difficult it would be when you have very few people who support you.
Wanting To Be Accepted
I can only imagine how badly people who identify as LGBTQ want to be accepted for who they are. They want to freely love who they want to love and they deserve to find love just as much as everyone else. I think that our society should learn to be more accepting of everyone, no matter what they identify as. We are all still human beings with feelings and emotions. Just because they might be a little different from you does not mean they do not have feelings.
Be Proud Of Who You Are
To those of you who are celebrating pride and identify as LGBTQ, I hope that you are proud of who you are. You are deserving of love and should not have to hide your true self from the world. You have so much to offer and have the ability to change the world. Own who you are and show the haters that they are wrong.
I Love You For You
To all of my LGBTQ friends out there, just know that I love you for who you are and accept you no matter what. Whether or not the rest of the world knows or not, just know that I am here to support you! XOXO