Everyone has an opinion about getting vaccinated and vaccinating their children. Some think it is a must and some are totally against it. There are very few people who are indifferent about it. I don’t have a strong opinion about it and I am definitely not going to tell you what you should or should not do.
It’s Your Body
You have the decisions on what you want to do with your body. You decide what you put in your body and that includes vaccines. It is nobody’s place to tell you what you should and should not do. Those are decisions you can make on your own. But with those decisions, it is important to have all the information you can get so you can make the decision that is right for you and help those around you make the best decisions for themselves.
My Views On Vaccines
Like I said earlier, everyone has an opinion. And whichever way you lean, everyone is set strong in their opinions. I am not like that at all. First of all I hate confrontation so I am not going to argue with anyone that is for or against vaccines. In my opinion, I think we should do whatever will keep us safe and healthy. And right now the vaccine is the answer to keeping us all safe! However, we still do not know the long term effects of the vaccine because it is so new. And we will not know these long term effects until later in the future. I trust the scientists and developers of the vaccine. I have had other vaccines and those have worked great. So it has to be the same process of making the vaccine and everything, just with the specific COVID-19 antibodies.
Long story short, if it keeps me and those around me safe, then i’m going to get it. Especially while I am taking care of my mom who has an extremely low immune system.
Which One To Get?
This is another debate. Which vaccine do we get? There are currently three different vaccines we can choose from, Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. Both Pfizer and Moderna are given in two shots that are about 21 days apart from one another. This is an mRNA vaccine, whereas the Johnson and Johnson is a viral vector vaccine and is given in a single shot.
How effective are these shots? From my understanding, the Pfizer vaccine is 95% effective, the Moderna vaccine is 94.1% effective and the Johnson & Johnson is 66.3% effective. Based on this information I think it is best to get the Pfizer vaccine to get the most effective form. Now will we have to get vaccinated again in 6 months to a year? That is information we still do not know. Only time will answer a lot of these questions. But in my opinion I rather get vaccinated every 6 months than get sick and get others sick as well. I do not want to have to continue to go into lock down through the pandemic, and I do not want to have the world shut down again, so I want to do my part in keeping everyone safe.
It Is Your Choice
Whether you get vaccinated or not is your decision, as long as you are being smart, staying safe and keeping everyone healthy, it is your decision whether or not you get vaccinated or not.
Stay safe and healthy!