The closer I get to turning 22, I have been reflecting on what I have learned this past year being 21. This year has taught me so many things and it has really showed me how much can change in a year. Here are some things that I learned this last year.
How Much Alcohol My Body Can Handle
Being 21, I am obviously now able to legally drink, and it is inevitable that a new 21 year old is going to experiment with alcohol, and that includes maybe drinking a little too much. However, I learned to drink when I know im safe and I can trust the people that Im with. I have learned to drink responsibly and how much I can handle and what is too much.
Everyone is different and everyone has a different tolerance when it comes to alcohol. It is important to know how much you can handle and do not try to keep up with other people and do not compare your drinking levels to other people, because it will not end well.
Dance More
Dance like nobody’s watching. Have a good time, let loose. Do not care about what other people think of you. If you are having a good time then who cares, have a good time! I was a dancer in high school and I have not missed dancing more, than I have this year. Every time I have an opportunity to dance, I will take it. I love being able to go out with friends and have a good time and dance. It’s so stress relieving and fun to be able to have a good time and dance without people judging you and having fun with your friends!
“What do you have to lose?”
This has been my phrase all year long! When it comes to literally anything I have thought to myself “what do you literally have to lose? Why not?” For example, when it came to dating, I was skeptical about dating apps or going out or talking to people. I was really scared and nervous about everything then I decided, you know what, what do you have to lose? So I signed up for dating apps (which I hated but I’ll talk about that later). I also thought about this phrase when applying for jobs, like the worst that can happen is I get rejected and apply to different jobs, so that isn’t all that bad.
This has been a great phrase for me to live by. It has gotten me out of my shell and out of my comfort zone and open to trying new things. Apply for that job, flirt with that guy, try new things and explore new opportunities. This has been my life motto and it couldn’t be better. I encourage you to think more about “what do you have to lose” because it is often not that much.
Cherish Friendships
I have realized how important friendships are, not that I didn’t before, but now I appreciate them more than ever. Now that we are getting older and entering new seasons of life we are all going in different directions, so friendships take more effort because we are not always all in the same place and have to make a bigger effort to make plans and keep the friendships alive. I have learned who my real friends are by who has been there for me through the most difficult times of my life. I am trying my best to be the best friend I can be and be there for my friends when they need me most. I have had the best times with my friends this year and made the best memories that will last a lifetime.
You Don’t Have To Have Everything Figured Out
Now that I am in my senior year of college, I get a lot of questions about what I’m doing after college. I. Have. No. Clue. I do not know what i’m doing after college. I do not have a job lined up, I do not know if and where I am going to move. And that is okay. When you hit your twenties, you feel like you have to have everything figured out. You have to know exactly what you are doing with your life and it seems like everyone else has their lives figured out, but that is not the case. Nobody knows what they are doing with their lives and people are just going with the flow of whatever life throws at them.
Online Dating Is Not Fun/Not My Thing
I got to a point where I was tired of being single and wanted to date, but I knew I wasn’t going to meet anyone at school, so I resulted to joining a dating app. I was having some fun with it and met some good guys, but also some weirdos. When it came to the actual meeting up and dating part, that is when it took a turn. I was all excited and a little nervous, and next thing I know, he cancels… Ok fine, whatever, it happens. I continued to try it for a little longer and nobody seemed to take this seriously. It seemed like nobody was actually interested in dating. I was over it. So I decided to delete it and realized I had to find someone out in the real world on my own. Dating apps work for some people and people love it. I have friends who love it and it has worked for them, but I learned that it was not my thing and that is okay. I am totally fine with that.
Take More Risks – Start That Biz, Start That Blog
Back to “What do you have to lose?” state of mind. I learned to take more risks and do things for myself. The first step I took was starting my blog. I bought my website and started creating content because it is something that I love to do and I could make it completely my own. It is something that I have complete control over and something I can do in my freetime and create on my own terms.
A few months later I was presented with an amazing opportunity to become an influencer for a beauty company. I was a little nervous and skeptical at first, so I took a little while to think about it. Now I am so glad that I said yes to this opportunity and made that decision because I have had so much fun doing so and met a lot of amazing women and really enjoyed creating content! If you are curious about what I do, check out my instagram @kennedy.monat. If you are interested in joining my team and becoming an influencer or even trying products feel free to reach out to me!
Take the risk and do what you love. Do whatever makes you happy, do things that scare you and set scary goals for yourself, you will not regret it.
Its Ok To Make Mistakes
You are human. We are all human. You are going to make mistakes. We are all going to make mistakes, but it is important to learn from those mistakes. Pick yourself back up and move on. Never make the same mistake twice. But it is okay to mess up. Accidents happen and mistakes will be made, it is a part of life.
Love Yourself First
Embrace who you are. Stay true to who you are in every situation and every aspect of life. Do not let anyone try to change you. Love yourself before you let anyone else in, if you do not love yourself first, then how do you expect anyone else to love you. Self love is the first step to a life of happiness. Be proud of who you are and own it! Be that strong independent woman (or man) that you are and show the world what you are made of and that you have so much to offer. Never be ashamed of yourself ever!
Life Will Be Completely Different In A Year
It is amazing how much your life can change in one year. In 365 days you will be in a completely different place than you are right now. Think about where you were a year ago.
What were you doing in January 2019? I was single, starting a new job and a junior in college just cruising through life. Now, I am in a committed relationship, have been at my job for a year and really enjoy it. I am a senior in college, getting ready to graduate and trying to figure out the next chapter of my life.
Life was so different a year ago and even more different two years ago! We are constantly growing and changing and we continue to grow into the people we are meant to be with each passing year.
Its Ok To Fall In Love With Your Best Friend
Love can be a scary thing. You are opening yourself up to be completely real and vulnerable to another person. You are giving them the power to either lift you up, love you and support you, or break you entirely. You have to be careful with who you give your heart to. That is why you should just be friends first. The best relationships start out as friendships. I had no intention of dating my best friend, it just happened and I am so glad it did. I couldn’t be happier. Even when you refuse to date your best friend, and you are convinced that they are not the one for you, you might be wrong. Be more open and know that ANYTHING is possible. And when you open yourself to new opportunities, you are giving yourself the potential to be a happier and better person.
21 gave me new friends, closer friends, memories and love, here is to more adventures in 22!