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What 2023 Taught Me

2023 was an interesting year. It was a year of grief and growth. I have learned a lot and grown as a person and am still learning to go easy on myself and give myself grace. 

It’s ok to Slow Down

I am a person who likes to get things done quickly and efficiently. I felt like I was rushing a lot and I have been learning to take a step back, breathe and take things slow. Not everything needs a solution or to be figured out right away. It is ok to take time, breathe and think. Everyone seems to constantly be rushing into things. We are living in a fast paced world but it is ok to take time and slow down.

Be Patient

I have always considered myself a patient person. However, there have been some things that have tested my patience this past year. I have learned to try to see things from other perspectives and have patience with other people and understanding of what they may be going through, even when things are taken out on me when they aren’t supposed to. In the end, having patience and giving others grace will make your relationships stronger.

Everyone is Different

We are all on different paths in life and we all have our own timing. Every person is different and every relationship is different. We never know what other people are going through and it is unfair to ourselves for comparing ourselves to others. We all have and want different things. I have had a hard time with comparing myself and my relationship to other people. “I don’t look like her, I don’t have clothes like her, I’m not engaged like she is” These are all things I have compared myself to but that isn’t fair to me, because maybe I have things that other people don’t that they compare themselves to. We are all different and everything will come at the right time when it is supposed to for each of us.


I am taking these lessons with me into 2024. There are many exciting things to look forward to in 2024, some we may not see coming but I am looking forward to the lessons and the growth this next year has to offer. 

Kennedy Lane


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