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We Are All Going To Fail, So Why Not Do It Right?

Failure is inevitable. We are all going to fail at one point or another in our lives. But why are we so afraid of it? We let the fear of failure hold us back from some of the things that we want most in life. We hate to admit when we fail because let’s be honest, it is embarrassing. We get so excited about something that is going on and new in our lives and excited to tell people but when it doesn’t work out we hate to admit defeat. Knowing that there is a possibility of failure and embarrassment we let that hold us back from doing new things in life and we need to stop. 

Do The Thing That Scares You

Whether it is starting a new job, moving to a new city, quitting a job you hate, do the thing that scares you. Feel the fear and do it anyway. It may be scary, but if it makes you happy and pushes you in the direction of success, then go for it. If you fail, at least you fail trying and learn a lesson from it. That is the worst that can happen.

Do Not Fear Judgement

Let’s be honest. A lot of us care what other people think of us. Some of us more than others, but we all care to some extent. We fear that we will be judged for doing something new and making drastic changes to our lives. We fear we are going to be judged for starting that business, or moving to a different city, no matter what it is, we are going to get judged for it by someone. 

But who cares!? It is your life, not theirs. Live your life the way that you want to. Nobody else can live your life for you. Live your life to make you happy, do not waste your time trying to please others, you can never please everyone.

Chase After It

If you want success, chase after it without knowing the outcome. Nobody can predict the future so we never know what our present actions will later turn into. Nothing changes if nothing  changes. Where do you want to be in one, five, and ten years? Do you want to stay where you are or do you want to grow into a better version of yourself for you and the people close to you? How can you make those changes? Do the thing you have been dreaming of doing even when it is scary. If it has the potential to change your life for the better, then chase after it and close the back door option to back out. If you want success go get it. 

You are destined for greatness! Do not let fear hold you back from your biggest dreams in life!

Kennedy Lane




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