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The Reason For The Season

Christmas and the holiday season can be extremely chaotic and stressful. Stores are packed, you can never find parking, your bank account is constantly draining, distant family is in town and you are trying to be the best host possible, and so many more stressful situations are presenting themselves. 

Because of these things we often forget the real reason for the Christmas season!

Christ Is Born

The real celebration should be for the birth of Jesus! He is God in the flesh who was born from the virgin Mary in Bethlehem. He was a gift to the world to save us from our sins. Little did Mary know the miracles he would perform and the lives he would save. He came to spread the good news of our chance to have eternal life. That is the best gift that this world could ever receive. 

He Loves Us

God loves us more than we could ever comprehend. No matter how much we sin, how lost we get, or how far away we stray from him, he will always love us and will always be our light to guide us back home to him. He does not want us to get caught up in the evil of the world, so he came down to save us, and died for us. 

We Are Loved

Look around at all the people you have in your life and how blessed you are to have each and every one of them. The annoying siblings can actually make you laugh until you can no longer breathe. Your grandma who is constantly hounding you about your future actually gives the best hugs and puts food on the table for when you are hungry. 

The people that you are surrounded by this holiday season may be stressful, but remember how much they actually mean to you. 

Appreciate Your Family And Loved Ones

Show your friends and family the love that they deserve. Quality time is more significant than any gift could ever be. You may not all get to be in the same room together again for a long time, so enjoy it while you can. Make memories together that will last a lifetime. Laugh and enjoy the little things, because you never know how long it could last. Do not take these moments for granted. 

It’s Not About The Presents, It’s About The Presence You Are Surrounded By

It is not about who can give the best gift or who got the most, it is about the thought and love that was put into the gifts and the time that is spent together. If you are surrounded by people that you care about during the holidays and are giving and receiving love during this time, then that is all that should matter at the end of the day. 

Remember how loved you are and that this is the day that Christ was born. Happy Birthday Jesus!

Merry Christmas!

Kennedy Lane



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