When I first learned about affirmations and that I should be looking in a mirror and telling myself positive things like “I am strong” “I am beautiful” “I am capable” etc. made me cringe. Why would I talk to myself in a mirror? That just does not sound right. No sane person does that, do they? Let me tell you, YES THEY DO! The most successful people I know say affirmations to themselves daily and it is not weird. Yes it can be uncomfortable at first, but it works!
Positive Self Talk
It ultimately comes down to how you talk to yourself. Do you think you are ugly, not capable, unsuccessful, poor and many other negative things? If you think that way about yourself you will be those things. SImply switch your mindset (I know, easier said than done) to be more positive. Even if you are not in the best financial statement, tell yourself “I am rich” “Money flows to me easily and effortlessly.” If you do not have many people around you and want more friends say “I attract positivity” “I make people laugh and am a joy to be around.” and these things will start to turn around. If you say it to yourself, your mind will start to believe it.
What You Think And Believe Will Come True
Our brains are SO powerful. What we think about we bring about. If you focus on the good, the good will come to you. If you focus on the negative you attract the negative. If you are feeling sick or diagnosed with an illness and all you thin is “I am so sick and so weak, I am never going to get better, then you won’t” If you think “I am strong and I am healing, I am getting better every day” Then you will get stronger, you will get better and you will heal.
Positive Mind = Positive Body
Your body follows your mind. Whatever you think, your body will follow and vice versa. If you tell yourself positive affirmations over and over again every single day, your mind will believe it and you will become those things, just by the law of attraction. When you change your mindset you will be healthier both mentally and physically. If you take care of your mental health, your physical health will also improve. There is a reason we feel sick when we get depressed or anxious or worried. It is because our minds are unhealthy, so our bodies react the same way.
Your Mood Affects Others
The way you talk to yourself whether it is out loud or in your head is noticeable by others. If you are not confident, insecure and self critical, that shows in your body language and other people can tell. If you are always negative to yourself or situations you are put in, people around you will pick up on it and they will not want to stick around you for that. You get to choose how you react to things. You get to choose your mood. Choose to be happy and choose to look on the brighter side of things. Sometimes this will be harder to do than others, but it is a good skill to practice. Positivity attracts positivity. If you think positive, positive things and people will make their way to you.
Choose joy. Affirm yourself. And all good things will come to you.