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The Nutrition Program That Changed My Health For The Better

It’s true what people say, “You can’t outwork a bad diet.” When I started my fitness journey I was hoping that I could put a little time in at the gym and call it good. I really didn’t want to change my diet, for a couple reasons. 1) Im picky.  2) It honestly just seemed like a lot of work and I liked what I was eating and 3) I don’t like to cook and I’m not good at it. However, to get real fitness results and to actually lose weight, I had no choice.

How I Started

I started with just counting my calories, which basically just consisted of eating the same things as I was before, just less of it. As I got into it I realized that was not ideal, because what I was eating was still really high in calories, so I started turning to some healthier options because they were less caloric. I started eating healthier options and that made me get some results, but I wasn’t feeling the best. I was having some major gut and stomach issues and sensitivities. 

What I Needed to Change

I heard about a nutrition program that helps you not only improve your health, but it is specific to gut health and helps you lose weight. So I was really intrigued. After doing some research and talking to people who had done the program, I decided to give it a try, worst case it doesn’t work and I go back to what I was doing, right? 

Who This is For

If you are someone who feels tired all the time, has out of control sugar cravings, struggles to lose weight, has gas, bloating, cramping or indigestion after eating, this is something for you. If you relate to any of those symptoms, this is definitely something you should try.

The 4 R’s

These are the principles that set the foundation for the program. They are Remove, Replace, Replenish, Rebalance. These are all in terms of food. Let’s dive into each one.


The foods that you remove from your diet for 4 weeks are: gluten, dairy, corn, highly processed soy, alcohol and artificial sweeteners. I know that sounds like a lot, and it is probably most of the foods that your diet consists of, I know it was for me. These are the six foods that have the highest rates of sensitivities for people. You eliminate these from your diet for 4 weeks, but don’t worry, you can replace them with other things. 


We replace these types of foods with more natural, organic whole foods. We add in more veggies to our diet to get a variety of plants and foods that come from the earth, instead of foods that are highly processed in factories. 


Next, we replenish our bodies with natural foods and supplements that have prebiotics, probiotics and digestive enzymes to help restore balance to our gut and help our digestive system work better and help us elevate our results.


To get the best results and to heal your gut, not only do you have to improve your nutrition, but it helps to manage stress and workout. This nutrition program is paired with a great workout program called 4 weeks for every body, that is meant to be done alongside this program.

How to Reintroduce

After the four weeks is over you can choose to continue to live by the 4 week gut protocol nutrition plan or you can start to reintroduce the foods we eliminated one at a time. Do not go back to eating all the foods in one day. You will start with gluten one day and listen to your body for any sensitivities, if you are in the clear, then move onto dairy the next day and so on. 

My Results

I was skeptical about this program. I had done some gut rebalance stuff before soI was unsure of what to expect, and honestly I had low expectations. But this program WORKED! I lost weight, gained muscle and definition in my body. I now look stronger and healthier because of it. I have increased confidence, clearer skin and no more stomach aches! This is how much my body changed in those 4 weeks!

If you have signs of an unhealthy gut, or want to focus on your nutrition, lose weight or simply get in shape, this is a great program to try! Send me a message on Instagram @kennedylfit or send me an email at

Kennedy Lane



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