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Kennedy's Reads

Own Your Everyday

Own Your Everyday by Jordan Lee Dooley is an inspiring book about showing up for your life and owning up to your everyday. Her subtitle simply states “Overcome the pressure to prove and show up for what you were made to do.” She talks about the struggles of life and the messes we live in and how to show up and live a purposeful life in three steps throughout the progression of her book. 

Where Do I Start

We want to do big things with our life and find our purpose, but we may be lost and have no idea where to start. How do we all of a sudden find our purpose and get started with our lives immediately? The answer? We don’t. It takes time. We have to think deeply about what we are really after, how we want to make an impact and look at the big picture, then tink of what small steps can you take towards that bigger goal? 

Getting Unstuck

In order to get unstuck, we have to overcome a lot of challenges. These include things like imposter syndrome, disappointment, shame, comparison, perfectionism and distraction. How can we turn these negatives into positives and use them to our advantage? How can we overcome these daily struggles to make the most of our lives? These are the questions Jordan answers and gives us the tools to overcome these challenges to make our goals attainable to show up for our lives every day, in the pages of her book. 

What To Do Now

Now we know how to overcome our life challenges, we have the tools in our toolbox, but how do we use them? Whats next? Laser focus. Focus on yourself and who you are and who you want to be. That is key. Do not lose sight of who you are. Stay true to yourself. What does success mean to you? Are you wanting success to prove others wrong? Or are you doing it to make yourself proud? Redefine success to make yourself and God proud, not to prove others wrong or satisfy other people. Do it for you.

Jordan writes the words we all need to hear in life, to show up and make the most of our lives. We do not want to wake up in our old age feeling as if we have fast forwarded through life. We want to be proud of what we have done and make an impact and leave our mark on the world. We need to do that by owning our everyday, and we can start now!

Kennedy Lane



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