We all know how important it is to take care of our physical health. We know we need to eat healthy and exercise to keep our bodies in the best shape. But we often take our mental health for granted. We push ourselves too hard and exert ourselves mentally until we cannot handle anything else and are at our breaking point.
Get Rest
Know when your body and mind need a break and do not overexert yourself. This can only lead to more harm. Instead, take some time to listen to your body and take a break, no matter what that looks like to you, whether it is taking a nap or watching TV for 30 minutes to an hour or reading a book for an hour. However you need to relax and give your mind and body a rest, do it so you do not wear yourself out and push your mind to extreme lengths.
Do Something You Enjoy
Take the time to do something you enjoy. If you like to be creative, schedule time to do so, whether that is photography, painting, writing, driving around in your car. Whatever you like to do and makes you the happiest, be sure to schedule in time to do those things throughout the week, so you are doing something for you that makes you happy and the best version of yourself.
It is a simple task, but something we often take for granted. When we are busy and running around at work or running errands on a busy day, sometimes we can get overwhelmed which can lead to neglecting our mental health. Amidst the busy times, notice how you are breathing. If you are taking short quick breaths or hardly breathing at all, take a minute and breathe in through your nose and fill your lungs, hold it for a second and exhale through your mouth. Do this about three times and you should start to feel better and a little less overwhelmed.
Pace Yourself
Remember you do not have to do everything at once. Take things one task at a time. Make a list of everything you need to do and write it down on paper, then write down most important to least important from top to bottom. Start at the top and work your way down. Instead of trying to multitask, take it slow and focus on what is most important first.
Speak Up For Yourself
Do not suffer in silence. If you need a break, say so and take one. If you need help with something, ask for it. If you need someone to talk to and just listen, ask someone. Talk to whoever you feel the most comfortable to talk to. And if you need someone to listen or a shoulder to cry on, I am always here for you.
It is important to take care of yourself first and focus on your mental health, because you are most important. And know that you are very loved by so many people!