As a high schooler all that I had really known is my small mountain town in Arizona. I was a quiet and shy girl and really only had one friend all throughout high school. Somehow, I managed to get out of my small town and move to the city for college.
May I just say, wow, college is so different than high school and has changed my life in ways that I never thought possible. I have learned more outside of the classroom than I have in the classroom, just by experiencing life as a college student and living on my own.
I am now a Junior at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix Arizona and my life has changed in so many ways than I thought it would when I was a freshman. As a freshman I came to college with my high school best friend. We were inseparable, we thought that we would be friends forever. Key word here, thought. Long story short, we are no longer friends. I have lost friends and gained new ones. I have gone on new adventures and experienced new things. I have learned so much and gained so much independence from being on my own.
We never know what life is going to throw at us at any given moment our lives can turn upside down. You know how people say when you aren’t looking for a relationship, that is when someone will come into your life and you will probably then end up being in a relationship? Well that is true. My freshman year I was enjoying the new college experience and making new friends when I randomly met a guy at an event on campus, we ended up dating for a while, but that relationship did not last long, and I ended up heartbroken.
That relationship came out of nowhere and was completely unexpected, but it took me about a year to get over. A similar situation happened the summer after my Sophomore year of college when a guy I knew added me on snapchat, we started talking and then ended up dating. That relationship was the most invested I have ever been in a relationship. He ended up braking up with me over text and that was the most painful experience I have had to go through.
Life throws unexpected things our way, but those things are meant to grow us and shape us into the people that we are meant to become. We would not be who we are without those hard times. Going through the tough times just means that we are one step closer to being who we are meant to be and finding who we are meant to be with and finding and achieving our purpose.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

6 years agoCollege is a culture shock! Different world! Next try graduate school 😛