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Lifestyle Relationships

Lies That You Are Telling Yourself

These are the excuses that you are telling yourself to not go after the person that you know that you want to date. 

You Are Not Pretty Enough

That is a big lie. You are beautiful both inside and out. Everyone is beautiful and unique in their own way. Everyone views beauty differently. Maybe the way that you view beauty is different than someone else’s view. You should not try to alter something about yourself, whether it be personality wise or physically. You do not need to change for anyone. The right person will think that you are stunning, just the way you are. If someone tries to change anything about you, then they are not the one for you. 

You Are Not Successful Enough

Maybe you think that you have to have a certain job or make a certain amount of money or a certain number of accomplishments to be a good human. Everyone wants to be successful in life. We unintentionally compare ourselves to one another and we compare our successes to the success of others. Just because one person has achieved one goal, and you haven’t achieved yours does not mean that you are unsuccessful. If you are trying your best, that is all you can do, and you will be successful given time. Have patience and believe in yourself first. 

You Are Not Mature Enough

If the person that you want is a little bit older than you, then this thought may run through your mind. If they are older, then you assume that they are more mature. However, you can be young in age but mature in spirit and vice versa. You may be younger than them, but it is possible to be more mature than others. 

You Do Not Have The Right Education For Them

The person that you are going after may have a college degree and maybe you only have your high school diploma. Or maybe you want to pursue your doctorate degree and the person you are interested in has decided that college is not for them. Level of education does not matter. If that person has decided what they want to do with their life and are still reaching for their goals and dreams, let them. We do not all need the highest level of education to pursue our dreams. We all dream differently, and level of education should not be a deal breaker. 

They Are Out Of Your League

How do you really know if someone is out of your league until you really know them? At first glance you might find someone attractive and think that they are out of your league because they have good looks, but what if they are interested in the same things you are? What if they are just the type of person you are looking for? Maybe they are just the person that you need to compliment you in life. They could turn out to be your best friend, someone who makes you laugh and makes you happy and a better person. 


You’re Scared

Maybe you are scared of rejection, or worse, heartbreak. What if it does work out for a minute, but not in the long run. What if the relationship doesn’t work out and you get hurt. Maybe you have been hurt in the past and do not want to go through that again. You are terrified of getting hurt again because the healing takes way too long and its almost not worth the pain. 

I get it, i’ve been there. Heartbreak is the worst kind of pain. But you never know if that person is the love of your life if you do not try. The love will make up for all the pain that you have gone through and will be worth the risk. 

You Are Making Assumptions 

You are making assumptions about the other person that you actually have no idea if they are true or not, if you are not taking the time to get to know them. Do not assume things about people from what you see on the outside. Get to know them and know their personality and their heart, they may turn out to be different than you originally thought.

Take the risk. It will be worth it,. You never know if the person that you have your eye on could be the love of your life, but you will never know unless you make a move. 

Kennedy Lane



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