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Blog Health/Wellness

How Is Your Mental Health?

Our mental health is something we rarely think about it. When we are happy and in a good mood we don’t really give it a second thought that we are happy. We just live in the moment and enjoy it. But when we are sad we start to question everything, or we just sit around feeling bad for ourselves and don’t really actively try to get ourselves out of it. It is important to check in on yourself and ask yourself “how am I really doing?” 

How Are You Feeling?

So, how are you feeling? Are you happy, sad, angry, just coasting by? How can you improve your mood or continue to feel good? Think about all of the little things that are going well in your life. What are the little things that make you happy? Put on some of your favorite music while you get ready in the morning, read your favorite book, put on your favorite outfit, treat yourself to your favorite coffee. Do the little things that make you happy. Put yourself first.

Take Some Alone Time 

Do you feel mentally and physically exhausted? Is your busy schedule starting to take a toll on your mental health? Take some time for yourself. Take a breather. Separate yourself from the things that drain you and the people who take up too much of your time and attention. It is okay to say no to people and to cancel plans every now and then. Make sure you are getting enough sleep at night. Save time to unwind and relax. Put away electronics an hour before you plan to go to sleep, take a hot bath or shower. Do whatever you need to do to rest and reset. 

Make Plans With Friends 

Make sure you are making plans with friends that make you happy and make your life better. Spend time with the people that make you laugh and help you forget all of the crazy things going on in your life when you are with them. Schedule in time to see them even if it is only for a few minutes. Surround yourself with people who love you and support you. Talk to your friends about the things you are going through and emotions you are feeling. They may not have all the answers, but sometimes it just feels good to get those things off your chest. 

Surround Yourself With Positivity

Spend time with people who care and bring positivity into your life. We all have those friends who we care about and love, but they tend to be a negative Nelly all the time and always point out the bad instead of the good. Those are not the kinds of people that you need in your life when you are struggling mentally. Instead, surround yourself with the people who are positive, and see the good in everything, the people who will lift you up instead of tear you down. Those are the type of people that you need in the tough moments. Spend more time with them and they will help bring more positivity into your life. 

Fill Your Cup

Expand your knowledge and pour into yourself. Read books that you enjoy but also help you grow as a person. Personal development books are great to bring you new perspectives into your life and help you think about life in different ways. They may help you learn new things and give you some new tools, mentally and physically to live a happier, healthier life. Some of my favorite personal development books are:

These are some books that have really helped me over the years. 

If you are really struggling with your mental health, you may want to seek professional help or if you or someone you know is in danger of hurting themselves or anyone else call the national suicide prevention hotline at 800-273-8255.

Remember, you are loved

Romans 8:38-39

Kennedy Lane



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