How are you doing? When is the last time someone asked you that and you answered genuinely? We are so quick to respond with “good” because it is the easy answer. We do not want to talk about how we are really doing or what is going on in our lives so we fake the answer to make it easy on ourselves. But it is only a matter of time until we aren’t “good” and need someone to lean on. So in case nobody really asked you lately, How are you REALLY doing? Let’s break it down if you need to think about it.
How Are You Feeling Physically?
How is your physical health? Are you feeling good? Moving around? Getting exercise? Are you getting enough sleep at night? Are you giving your body rest when it needs it? Are you eating well? These are all things you should be thinking about and focusing on. Make sure you are feeding, fueling and resting your body in a healthy way. If your body feels run down and sluggish, your mind will follow close behind.
How Are You Feeling Mentally?
How is your mental health? Is there anything significant going on in your life that is taking your time and mental stability? Are you mentally exhausting yourself? What are you going through and how can you take a break to ease your mind? Take some deep breaths, relax, read a book or watch a movie. Do something for yourself, by yourself to decompress. It is so important to take care of your mental health and know when you need to take a break or talk to someone or even get professional help.
What Are You Doing To Take Care Of Yourself?
Are you getting enough rest? Are you doing things that you enjoy doing? Are you taking the time to be creative? Make sure you are doing things you love and things that bring you joy. Whether that means reading a book, taking a bath, drawing, or being creative in any other way. Do what you love, no matter how busy your schedule. It can be hard to take time for yourself when you are living a busy life. The best thing to do is make a schedule. Write down the things you need to do and schedule in time blocks to do each thing. When you do this, schedule in time to relax and take time for yourself to do things that you enjoy.
Who Are You Surrounding Yourself With?
Who are the people that you are surrounding yourself with? Are the people you are spending the most time with spreading happiness and positivity? Are they kind people who care about you? The people that you surround yourself with can have a big impact on your mental health. Make sure you are spending time with people who make you happy and who you have fun with, instead of people who are negative, spread gossip, and are mentally exhausting.
It’s Okay To Not Be Okay
We all have bad days. We do not have to always put on a brave face. It is okay to have bad days, to not be okay. Make sure that on these days you are taking time for yourself and spending time with people who make you happy. Talk to people that love you and care for you and will take the time to listen and understand what you are going through.
If you ever need someone to talk to, I am always here for you. You are very loved by so many people and the world needs you.
So I’ll ask you again. How are you REALLY doing?