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Kennedy's Reads

Girl, Wash Your Face

I just finished reading Girl, Wash Your Face By Rachel Hollis, and girl let me tell you how amazing it is!

I have heard about this book over the last few months and have seen it in stores and have heard that it is a good book, so I decided to finally pick it up myself and give it a try. I am one of the few English majors who does not enjoy reading with every part of her being. I only really enjoy reading if the book is really good, and let me tell you, I could not put it down!!!


This book made me want to get up and get moving with my life. It made me realize that everyone has imperfections and insecurities and that we cannot let those stop us. We need to stop living in fear and start living our dreams. 

The Truth

Rachel starts out every chapter with a Lie that every female has believed at some point in her lifetime. She then shows us how those lies are exactly what they are… lies. She shows us the truth behind those lies and our worth and how we can confront those lies in our everyday life. Here are some of my favorites. 

The Lie: Loving Him Is Enough For Me

In this chapter she explains the lie that we feel that we have to be in love and be in a relationship to be happy, that as long as we have someone, we are set. That is not the truth, yes, we all want to find someone and be in a relationship, but it does not need to define our happiness. 

The Lie: I’m Going To Marry Matt Damon

I found this chapter completely relatable, she talks about setting goals and having unrealistic ones like marrying celebrities are okay, because they ultimately lead us to the places we are meant to go in life. If you follow one dream, you could find another in the process. 

The Lie: I Need A Hero

This was the last chapter in the book, and it was the perfect ending to send us out into the world. She tells us that we are completely capable of living our dreams, creating our own destiny and living our lives the way we want to. Nobody else can live our lives for us. 

While reading this book I kept my journal by my side and wrote down my goals and my dreams. It encouraged me to aim big and to live my life to the fullest that I possibly can. I felt inspired and seen through this book. It made me feel that I have value and a purpose and that I should go out and find it. Yes, there will be difficulties, but if we push through them, we will come out even stronger. 

Follow your dreams, get up and go after what you want, and if you get knocked down, wipe the dust off and try again. 

I encourage you to go to the store and pick up this book along with some face wash because girl, you are going to want to wash your face!

Kennedy Lane



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