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Get Yourself A Girl Gang

We all crave to be accepted. We all want to be surrounded by people who uplift us and encourage us on a daily basis. It can be difficult to find good quality people that you get along with. We all have different backgrounds, do different things and live different lives, but if we have one thing in common, that can be enough to bring us together. 

My entire life I have been searching for community, always wanting to be loved and accepted. It can be difficult especially throughout high school and college. Trying to figure out who you are and who you want to surround yourself with is how we spend our teen years and early adulthood. We go through college trying to figure out what we like to do and who we want to be, but when we graduate in our early twenties, we still have no clue. I know I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, and I know so many other people feel the same. Until I came across an opportunity that changed my life forever…

When I joined Arbonne I had no idea what the community was like. I had no idea there even was a community. I just wanted to make a little money from my phone while I try to find a full time job, but I had no idea what I was getting into. I had no idea that I would have a team of girls who wanted to see me succeed and would push me towards success every single day. There is never any judgement, hostility or jealousy when someone is more successful than others, there is always excitement for one another. That is one of the things that I love most about this business. 

Once I learned more about the products and the business, I fell more and more in love with everything about this company. I know that the products I am using and putting on my body are all clean and natural and healthy for me. I know that I am truly getting healthy from the inside out and helping others do the same is the biggest blessing of all. 

Little did I know that I would meet one of my best friends through this business. What started with one thing in common led to hundreds more. Turns out she went to college in my hometown. We got to talking and instantly clicked. We have the same sense of humor and love the same things. Now we get to build our businesses together alongside one another and watch each other succeed. Even though we live hundreds of miles away from one another, we are always there for support. 

As a recent  college grad in her early 20’s it is difficult to stay in touch with college friends as you enter different seasons of life. And making new ones is easier said than done. I am forever grateful to have this unbelievable group of women by my side on a daily basis and know that they are there for me 

If you are in need of a supportive group of people and arewanting time and financial freedom, then this is for you! You are welcome here. We will help you and push you to succeed! 

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Kennedy Lane



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