In every aspect of life, relationships are hard. No matter if it is a romantic relationship or a friendship, any relationship is difficult. They are not only difficult to find, but also difficult to keep.
I am 21 years old and throughout my lifetime I have had so many friends come in and out of my life. Some stayed for a little while, and some stayed for years. Some were not so hard to lose, and some were heartbreaking, but that is just the way life goes. People walk in and out of your life for a season and are meant to be in your life to help you grow, but only for a certain amount of time.
When I had some of my best friends walk out of my life, I would be so upset, and so angry. I would ask God why they had to leave, why he would do that to me, and why he brought them into my life in the first place. I did not understand why my best friends, the people that I loved and cherished the most, had to walk out of my life. I would question myself and my self-worth, thinking that it was something I was doing, and if I was someone that people did not want to hang around with.
I learned that, that is far from the truth. I am not a bad person, it is not my fault. Everything happens for a reason. We may not know or understand the reasons why people walk out of our lives, but God does. He has a reason for everything. He brings people in and out of our lives to help us grow in different seasons of our lives.
The people that stay in our lives the longest, are the ones that we should cherish the most. It is hard to keep relationships thriving, but we should cherish every relationship that we have, because we never know when they could walk away.
“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” Proverbs 17:17