Our life consists of small moments all put together, some big and some small. However, we never really realize when a moment will be its last. Here are some examples of moments that we never really realize will fade. We take them for granted, then can never get them back.
Last Recess
If you really think about it, when you are in elementary school, you never really realize when your last time at recess will be. You never know when swinging on the swings and jumping off will be your last, or hanging on the monkey bars will be your last, or playing jump rope with your friends before the bell rings will be your last. We are either too in the moment to care, or usually, too worried about the next moment to appreciate the one we are currently in.
We are worried about making it inside before the bell rings so we do not get another tardy, or getting in before Jessica so she doesn’t steal your seat again, or getting the best white board for the next class activity. We are always worrying about the future and do not appreciate the time that we have on the playground may be our last and we should enjoy singing the jump rope songs while we can, before the bell rings to go to our next activity.
Last Family Dinner
We never really think about the time that we sit down at the dinner table to eat with our family will be the last time we eat all together. We may eat with the majority of us, but maybe not all of us. I come from a family of four, my mom, dad, sister and I. There may be times when it is just me and my parents or my sister and my parents, or just me and my sister, but how will we know when the last dinner with all four of us will be the last one with all of us together?
Last Moment With A Loved One
If you have relatives who live in different parts of the country, you may never know when your last moment spent with them will be. Their health might start to fail them, or something tragic could happen god forbid, but it is still possible. You never know when you will taste grandmas cookies again or hear grandpas snoring from the other room, as annoying as it may be, you will soon miss the silence.
Last Kiss
Relationships are difficult. You never really truly know when they can end. Your partner might break it off out of the blue. Because of this you never know when the last time you will be able to hold them in your arms, feel their heartbeat, smell their scent, or taste their kiss. You may be in the moment, enjoying every second with them, and when it is time to go you say “see you later,” but what if that “later” turns into a “never?” They can break things off without even seeing you. You never know when the last moment that you look into their eyes will be, or the last time that you feel their touch.
These moments are fleeting, we are constantly trying to look into the future for something better, that we miss what is right in front of us. We hardly ever enjoy our current moments. We take the little things for granted. Take a second to feel the sun on your skin, the wind in your hair and the sound of laughter. Notice what is right in front of you. So enjoy your current moment, before the bell rings to get to the next.