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Do You Want To Clear Your Skin?

Three words: Non toxic products.

There are so many harsh chemicals in cosmetics that we get off of store shelves that we do not even realize, and they are harmful to our skin. This is something that I did not know until I started doing my research. 

I have tried more products, methods and seen many many dermatologists to clear my skin with no success. I have tried multiple cleansers, topical creams and medications to clear my skin and nothing was working. Until I switched my products for something cleaner. 

Skincare Routine

I like to keep my skincare routine simple. When I started clearing my skin I was using more products, but had some flare ups and now I like to keep it simple. I use all Monat products. Staying consistent with these products has helped clear my skin most. Here are the products I use on a daily basis:

Morning Routine

Night Routine

Additional Products 

These are some other products that I use throughout the week. I either use them as needed or a couple times a week. 

  • I use Berry Refined Scrub about once or twice a week. This is a natural exfoliator made from cranberry seeds instead of microbeads. These seeds are much more gentle on the skin, whereas microbeads can cause microtears in the skin and can cause more acne for bacteria to build up. Which cranberry seeds do not cause tears and gently remove dead skin, for a fresh face.
  • When I do have the occasional breakout I use the Be Purified Cold Charcoal Mask to use as a spot treatment. This helps heal my breakouts much faster, usually overnight!
  • When I know I am going to be out in the sun I will protect my skin with sunscreen using Sun Veil

Drink Your Water

Another way to keep your skin hydrated is to make sure that you are drinking plenty of water. This is the best way to keep your skin healthy from the inside out. Acne tends to come out when your skin is dry and dehydrated because your skin will overcompensate and produce more oil that will clog your pores. 

Don’t Touch Your Face

This is very simple but sometimes hard to do. We tend to touch our face quite a bit throughout the day. If you stay conscious of it, and stop when you catch yourself touching your face, you will touch it less and see your skin start to clear up in the places you tend to touch most that always seem to have breakouts.

I know what it is like to have acne, be embarrassed about your skin and use as much makeup as you can to cover it up. When you have clear skin it feels so freeing to feel confident in your own skin without makeup, to go out in public without makeup is a dream come true. Some people may never understand that, and those are some very lucky people. If you are like me and want to clear your skin once and for all, I would be more than happy to help you! Send me a DM on Instagram @kennedyglane and I will customize a skincare routine just for you, no matter what your skin type. 

Kennedy Lane



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