If I am being completely honest, society has changed entirely in the last several years. The things that used to be acceptable are now unacceptable and vice versa. I hate the way that our society is so judgmental of every little thing. We all try too hard to fit in and it makes life so much more difficult. We have to transform ourselves to become people we are not, just to fit in and be liked by the rest of society, and that is not okay. Here are some of the major problems with society these days in my opinion:
We have become a society that spends the majority of our lives on the internet. We are posting every second of our lives and romanticizing the simplest of things to make them seem better than their reality. We want other people to think we are living these fantastic and adventurous lives, when in reality we are sitting on our couch scrolling through our camera roll to post a picture that we took on vacation three years ago to make it look like we are currently living our best lives.
Social media is almost all fake. We make things appear way better than they actually are. We are comparing our real life self to someone else’s social media account that has been photo-shopped and face-tuned. We are making unfair comparisons and killing ourselves to look the best we possibly can so we can feel accepted by the rest of society.
Sex is something that has also been romanticized by the rest of society. If you have not lost your virginity by the age of 17, you are considered a prude, and that is NOT okay. We should be allowed to make our own decisions, especially when it comes to our personal life and should not be judged for them.
Everyone has different comfort levels and different views when it comes to physical intimacy. It is more difficult for some people and it takes time for people to open up, and they should not feel pressured or judged for wanting to wait, or not wanting to wait. Your personal life is yours and nobody has the right to judge you for what you have or have not done.
We are even expected to wear certain clothes to fit in with the rest of society. There are some types of clothes that are simply out of style, and if you wear something from last season, you are heavily judged and get awkward stares. Who cares! You should be able to wear whatever you want and what you feel you are most comfortable in.
The way that people who are not religious view religion is that they are innocent and try to be perfect. They think that all that people who are religious do is read the bible and pray. They think that they can’t go out and have fun like everyone else because they may be seen as sinners. That is not the case. People who are religious are people too. They like to go out and have fun just like everyone else. They only believe different things, but they are not a different species.
We try so hard to get into relationships, to find the person we are attracted to and who we want to spend our life with, within a certain time period. We are expected to be in a serious relationship in college and engaged or married by the time we are graduated and 22, at least according to society. We all have our own timelines and move at our own pace. We shouldn’t feel obligated to be in a relationship or get married by a certain time.
If you are not attracted to the opposite sex, it is seen as unacceptable to society. If you are attracted to the same sex, it is seen as wrong and you are looked down on by the rest of society, and that alone is unacceptable. People should feel free to be themselves and love who they want to love and should not have to hide it because they are afraid of being judged by others and avoid showing their true colors just to please the rest of society.
Society makes us want to hide our true selves. We feel like we can’t properly express who we are without being judged by others. So Dear Society, I am going to be who I am whether you like it or not.