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Date the Guy That Ruins Your Lipstick Instead of Your Mascara

It is Valentines Day which means love is in the air, whether it is loving your significant other, your friends, your family or all of the above! If you are single, this time of year can be difficult and often lonely, trust me I have been there and I feel you. I know that this time of year, if you are single, you may want to do everything you can to find a date for Valentines Day, but you should not settle for anything less than what you deserve! 

You Deserve Someone Who Treats You Right

A guy should treat you like a priority. You should not be just a convenience for him. You should not just be there whenever he wants and in his free time. He needs to make time for you and want you to be a part of his life. He will make time for you, even when he is busy, if he truly likes you and wants to pursue you, he WILL make time for you. And that is exactly what you deserve, someone who will make time for you and make you a priority. 

Find The Guy Who Treats You Like Royalty

If a man truly loves you, then he should act like it. You deserve to be treated like a queen! He should show you that he loves you instead of just telling you. He should make time for you and be considerate. You should be on his mind all the time and he should tell you that he misses you when you are not around. He should treat you like you are the most precious thing in the world to him! He should love you and cherish you the way that you deserve. There are no excuses. 

You Should Not Put Up With Someone Who Puts You Down

If he makes you feel insecure, or brings you down in any way, he is undeserving of you. He should not make you insecure or upset in any way. If you are constantly having to prove yourself to him, he is not the one for you. He should already see your worth and how amazing you are without you having to prove anything to him!

If he makes you second guess yourself, he is not worth your time. You should not have to change in any way or second guess any part of yourself. He should love you for who you are exactly the way you are right now. He should never try to change you. 

Know your worth and that you are perfect just the way you are.

Date The Guy Who Wants To Show You Off

Your man should be happy to have you. He should be proud of you and excited to show the world that he has you. He should feel like the luckiest guy in the world when he is with you. He should want to hold your hand in public or hug you or kiss you in public. He should want to show the world that you are his at whatever level of PDA he is comfortable with. He will make sure that every guy (and girl)  in the room knows you are his and there will be no question about it. It will be blatantly obvious to everyone. 

You Will Never Have To Guess His Feelings For You

A great boyfriend will constantly remind you how much he loves and cares for you, not just with his words but also with his actions. He will hold you and hug you like he never wants to let go. He will make the most of every moment he spends with you. He will remember the little things you say, and act upon them. He will surprise you with the things he remembers. He will take you to the places you’ve always wanted to go, whether it’s the tiny restaurant across town, or to another country and he will surprise you with the things you’ve always wanted. He will make you a priority in his life and make it known. 

He Will Remind You Every Day That He Loves You Unconditionally

Date the man that tells you he loves you every chance he gets. Even when he is not with you, he will text you a simple “I Love You” or call you just to hear your voice and remind you. He will put in the effort and give 110% into your relationship. He will never stop pursuing you. He will love you, and he will continue to love you forever. That is the guy you deserve. 

Kennedy Lane



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