What is something that every single human being strives for in life? Well, if you read the title of this post, then you can probably take a guess.
Happiness. Happiness is something that we all strive for 24/7. We want to live our best, happiest lives, because without it, we have nothing. For some people, achieving happiness is easy, and for others not so much. It doesn’t matter if it is a result of mental illness or it is just personally difficult for you to find happiness, it is still something we all want.
Here are some things to keep in mind throughout your day and your life to help you achieve the happiness that you deserve.
What Does It Mean To Be Happy?
What exactly is happiness? We have moments in our lives where we are content with where we are and what we have, but not necessarily happy. We are comfortable. Or, we have the complete opposite of happy. We are upset or even angry with where we are in life or with what we have. Life happens and we can’t predict it. Something may come up unexpectedly that completely shifts our mood.
What Do We Need To Be Happy?
So, what is needed to be happy and live a life that you are proud of? Ultimately, the answer is not in material things or money, it is as simple as a change in your mindset and change of heart. If you start to look on the positive side of things, you will be more appreciative of the things that you currently have in life. Stop trying to constantly achieve for greater things and appreciate what you have in the moment.
You Are In Charge Of Your Own Happiness
We cannot rely on other people for our happiness. You are in charge of your life. You get to choose how you feel. When you wake up in the morning, you decide what kind of day you are going to have. Adjust your attitude and outlook on life and you will appreciate the little things and be happy with who you are.
Do Not Rely On Someone Else
We are all human, and humans are incredibly flawed. We all sin and fall short (Roman 3:23). Nobody is perfect. People will constantly disappoint you and hurt you, but how you handle it is how you can control your emotions. Choose love and forgiveness, and it will be returned to you.
The Little Things
Appreciate the little things around you. What are the little things in life that bring you joy? Is it the birds chirping, the sun on your face, laughter of a small child, or wet puppy kisses? There are so many things in life that bring small amounts of joy. Notice those moments and take the time to really appreciate them.
Life is so beautiful and should be appreciated for every single moment it gives us. Choose joy. Be happy with what you have. Stay in the moment and adjust your attitude when you start to slip away from joy. Look for happiness in every situation.