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Changes I Started Seeing When I Started Working Out 

As you may know by now, I have never been someone who likes to go to the gym to workout. I preferred to get my exercise in different forms. However, after High School and College, it was hard to find something I enjoyed to stay in shape, so I just didn’t do anything. That was part of my mistake. That, and not eating right. I neglected my health to focus on other things and it started to show, and in more areas than one. Once I started to take my health back and started working out I saw a lot of changes in myself in every aspect. Here is what I started seeing and maybe you have noticed these things for yourself too. 


Ever since I could remember I have struggled with my mental health. I had severe anxiety all through High School and College. I was on medication just to keep me calm so I didn’t randomly have a panic attack when I’m out in public. Since I have been consistent with my workouts and committed to eating better, I have never felt better mentally. Don’t get me wrong, it didn’t start out that way. Trying to lose weight is a huge battle, especially mentally. It is difficult to get into routine, to find the motivation and have the discipline to stay consistent, and eat what you are supposed to eat instead of only what you want to eat. Once that routine becomes more of a habit it gets easier and you start to feel better and happier with the results you are seeing. 

My confidence has increased tremendously. I would never wear anything that showed my body even a little bit because I was so insecure. I hated the way I looked in pictures and looking in the mirror that I would avoid them altogether. I wouldn’t even think about squeezing my body into a swimsuit or going to the gym in just a sports bra and leggings. I had to wear a t-shirt or something over it. Now, all that has changed. I don’t mind going to the gym in a sports bra, Ill wear a swimsuit when the time comes. I still have a long way to go to reach my goals, but I am already feeling so much better in my body and that is some great progress. 


I feel so good physically. I am less tired, and I have so much more energy. Before, I was always tired, always in a bad mood and always felt weighed down and bloated. I no longer feel that way. I feel lighter and happier and I am so happy about it. I felt bad for so long that I thought it was “normal” . I didn’t think it was really possible to feel the way I do now. If you are struggling with feeling sick, bloated or tired, you might want to try to move your body more. It could help resolve it and help you to feel better without having to look for medication to resolve the issue. You can probably resolve it more naturally.


I used to be a hot mess. Mood swings all over the place, my poor boyfriend never knew how I was feeling emotionally and probably had to try to be careful. Now I feel like they have stabilized a bit more. I felt like I was always on edge, and now I can let loose a bit more and just relax. I can still get moody from time to time, especially during that time of the month (thank you hormones). But I feel like it has gotten a lot better in the recent months. I feel better, I feel like I can finally breathe. 

My weight was a constant battle, it was always in the back of my mind that I hated how I looked and hated how much weight I had gained. I have never been heavy in my life, so it was new and it constantly brought me down and made me extremely insecure. I am so glad that I finally decided to take control and take action. It is a difficult journey, but once you start and find the motivation, you will be so proud of yourself and thankful that you did. 

Kennedy Lane



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