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Are You Truly Living?

What does it mean to “truly live”? Are you just getting through life day by day or are you actually enjoying life every day? Are you being intentional with your time and your relationships? Or are you getting by, zoning out and waiting for the next moment to come? What can you do better to increase your quality of life?

What are you taking for granted?

Is there anything you take for granted that you should appreciate more? Do you have a nice house? Food on your table? A loving family? These things may seem simple and easily taken for granted but they are things that are crucial for our wellbeing and survival. We shouldn’t be taking them for granted, we should be appreciating them. 

Do you have a morning routine you love? Do you get to spend some time to yourself in the evenings after a long day? Do you get to spend time with the people you care about most on a daily basis? What is something that you have that others might not? What are you most grateful for? 

When we appreciate the little things in life we start to appreciate life a little more. Being grateful for what we have will only bring us more happiness. 

Are you pursuing your interests?

Do you have a hobby you have pushed off because it was no longer a priority? I am guilty of this. I got so busy with life and work that I quit writing and just going through the motions of everyday life. I have slowly been getting back to the things I love and I am feeling more like myself again. 

Whatever your hobbies may be, I encourage you to continue to pursue them. Set aside just a few minutes a day or a week to do the things you like to do. Doing the things you love helps you to appreciate life a little more. 

Are you spending time with the people you love?

Are you spending time with people? Or are you isolating? Do you intentionally spend time with the people you care about? 

Spending time with the people we love is so important for our wellbeing and our mental health. When you are spending time with the people you love, spend that time intentionally. Put down your phone, engage in the conversation, listen when they need you to listen and give feedback when appropriate. Sometimes people just need someone who will listen and when you engage in meaningful conversation you will both appreciate one another more. 

How are you treating yourself?

How do you treat yourself? Are you kind to yourself? Or do you pick yourself apart? How do you talk to yourself? Treat yourself with kindness. Talk to yourself like you would a friend, give yourself grace. Pamper yourself if need be. Do whatever you need to do to make yourself feel good in your own skin. Focus on the things that make you happy.

Living life to the fullest doesn’t mean you have to be a daredevil. It is appreciating the little things in life and doing the things that make you happy. Enjoy the little things in life, romanticize it and you will start to appreciate the life you live a little more. 

Kennedy Lane



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