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Blog Clean Living Essential Oils

A Vacation In A Bottle

Stress Away is a unique Young Living essential oil blend, consisting of lime, vanilla, copaiba, lavender, cedarwood, and ocotea. This oil smells so dreamy and is instantly relaxing when it hits your nose. This is an oil to go to when you are stressed, anxious or just having a hard day. Like it says in the name, it will instantly take your stress away.

Use It Topically

Put this oil on the insides of your wrists or on your neck and the oil will absorb into your skin and bloodstream within 22 seconds. It is fast acting and will help you feel more calm when you are stressed out and anxious. 

Put a few drops in the palm of your hand, rub your hands together and run your hands through your hair. The oil in your hair will act as a natural diffuser so you can smell it all day. This is great to do if you are having a busy day or anxious about something, like a test or presentation. 

You can also make a roller or buy it in a premade roller. Young Living makes this essential oil blend in a roller version, so you do not have to make your own or dilute it with carrier oil. It is easy and small enough to fit in your purse or pocket to take with you wherever you go. You can also put a roller fitment directly on the bottle to transform it from bottle to roller in one easy snap.

Combine Stress Away with some other oils to make a stress relief roller. My personal all time favorite rollers is a blend of different oils with Stress Away in it. It is called the Unicorn Roller and it is so so dreamy!

You can even use it as your own perfume. Make it your go to scent by wearing it every day. Put it on when you get ready in the morning to give you a little extra boost of happiness for the day. 


This oil smells so good, you will be excited to fill your home with this scent. Diffuse it when you are working from home (great for during the pandemic). Or when you have had a long day and need to relax and destress.

Diffuse it on its own or combine it with other oils. There are so many great diffuser blends to choose from. Mix and match oils from your starter kit or look up some ideas. Here are a few blends to get you started:

This essential oil will not disappoint. It is my daily go to oil when I am in need of a little more happiness and stress relief. This is one of the oils that really turned me into a believer and I know it will help you too!

If you are wanting to try some Stress Away essential oil, grab a starter kit, or to learn more about essential oils and get your questions answered, feel free to email me at, message me on social media @kennedyglane or go to my site and grab a starter kit! 

Kennedy Lane



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