Looking back on the past is something that we do a lot if you think about it. We look back at things we did in the past, or situations we went through and apply them to the present to better ourselves. Or we just like to reminisce and remember the good olé days.
So here I am, the summer after my junior year of college looking back at the past eight months of my life and how I have changed and grown in those eight months.
College can transform your life in so many different ways. I have grown into a tremendously different person in the last three years of college than the person I was in college, but here is what I have learned in my junior year and how this year alone has helped me grow the most.
Determine Which Friends Are Most Important
This year was my hardest year yet, especially when it comes to friendships. I had multiple friends who decided to walk out of my life and did not want to stick around anymore. While that was extremely difficult, I didn’t sit around and mope about it. I made the decision to let them go and focus on the friends that actually cared about me and wanted to stay in my life, and with that I grew stronger, better friendships.
If you have a friend that does not want to stick around or if they are a toxic friend, do not be afraid to let them go. Some friends are only meant to be in our lives for a season and that time may be up. I know it is a difficult thing to do but will be beneficial to your wellbeing afterwards.
Relationships Are Hard
Whoever said relationships are easy has another thing coming because OMG if I learned anything this year it was that relationships are SUPER difficult. That goes for any relationship whether it is a romantic relationship, a friendship or your relationship with your family, they are all difficult. Relationships take a massive amount of communication and commitment, honesty and respect and a million other little things. I had a hard time keeping both romantic relationships and friendships and through that the only people who were there for me was my family.
You are not alone in your struggles. With whatever relationship you are struggling in, communication is key. Take it day by day and take it slow. Communicate as much as humanly possible.
Heartbreak Is Difficult
I have yet to have anything hurt worse than a broken heart. I gave my all to a relationship that was given nothing in return. I was not respected and was blinded by love that I ignored the red flags and ultimately ended up getting hurt. It took months (six to be exact) for me to heal and be able to put myself back out there, just to end up getting rejected. Yes, all of that hurt, but it taught me more of who I am. It taught me how strong I am, how much I am worth and that I should not settle for less than I deserve.
Time heals and we all heal differently, but in that time, focus on yourself and learn who you are and what you deserve, and you will become stronger because of it.
Getting Involved
The best thing that I could have done this year is get involved. I became campus correspondent for a club on campus and I could not be happier or prouder of myself for doing so. I have built a great community of women who support and lift each other up. Getting involved in clubs on campus is a great way to meet people and to make new friends and have a great time doing the things that you are passionate about alongside people who care about the same things you do.
Getting A Job
This was my first year while at college having a job, and to say it was difficult is an understatement. I worked at the coffee shop on campus and I absolutely HATED it!!! I wanted this job so badly and loved hanging out at the coffee shop whenever it was possible, so I thought working there would be great. It was not! I liked making drinks, but the people I worked with was not my type of crowd and they didn’t seem to care for me either, so after first semester, I quit.
Second semester I had the opportunity to apply for a new job as a copywriter and I figured why not. I applied and got the job and it turned my life around. Not only do I get to do something I love, I get to work with amazing people and one of my best friends!
The people you work with can make or break a job, but greater things are coming. Stay positive and know that God has a perfect plan.
Being Single
I am not going to lie, I absolutely hated being single for the longest time, at times I still do. But it was in my singleness that I really found myself, I got comfortable in my own skin, I found who I am, and what I deserve and how I should be treated. Becoming a stronger version of myself will only make me a better girlfriend and wife when the man that I am supposed to be with does come into my life.
Being single can be frustrating, you may really want a relationship, but that may not be in the cards right now. Have patience and trust that God has the perfect person picked out for you and will bring them at the right time.
You Make Your Own Path
Your life is your own, it is whatever you make it to be. Stay positive, set goals and aim big. We get to choose how we want our life to be and the direction it can go in. Do not let anyone get in the way of letting you become the person you want to be.
These are the things I have learned throughout the past eight months. I know I have a lot more to learn and more growth to do but I am proud of the person I have become and what I am learning throughout my college journey. I’m looking forward to the future and what other things I will learn in my college career.

6 years agoGreat advice ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Janel Comeau
6 years agoGetting involved was one of the best things I did in undergrad! I finished my undergrad degree 4 years ago, and I’m still in touch with all the people I met through clubs and organizations! Highly recommend.
6 years ago AUTHORThat’s awesome! I think its a great way to meet people and make lifelong friends!