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Blog Clean Living Essential Oils

The Variety of Uses for Valor




  1. great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle.

Valor is probably my all time favorite oil. I love the smell and the way it makes me feel. I use it for so many different things and today I want to share it with you. This is an oil you definitely need to keep on your shelf and use daily because it is THAT good!


This oil is a combination of oils put together. It consists of Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, Camphor Wood, Geranium, and Frankincense. The best ways to use this oil is either topically or aromatically in the diffuser. 

Use it each morning to wake up with a positive attitude or in the evening to refocus at the end of a challenging day.


Valor is known for its uplifting and affirming aroma. It is great for setting goals which is helpful in productivity and happiness. When you are productive, you have fulfilled a goal and are more likely to achieve more.

Use Valor as a perfume. The beautiful scent is enjoyable all day long. It also helps to balance your mood throughout the day. Apply it to your wrists or neck to wear it throughout the day, or run a drop through the ends of your hair for a natural diffuser to be able to smell it throughout the day. Or make a roller bottle with it to keep in your bag, car, desk or anywhere you can access it easily. 


This oil does exactly what it’s definition says. It is known as “courage in a bottle” it helps you take on tough challenges and give you the mental strength to get through hard times and tough days.

I have been loving this oil for this reason. Especially during the pandemic, we are all facing different challenges whether it is work, school, family or anything else, times are tougher now more than ever. Valor helps keep me grounded and focus on the good and helps me to stay positive. It has helped me get through some really tough situations and I know it will help you too. 

Diffuse or apply this oil as an instant mood booster. Whenever I am feeling down, I roll this oil on my wrists and shortly after I feel more calm and a bit happier. I don’t know exactly what it is about it, but it works!

Eases Anxiety

I have had anxiety for as long as I can remember. I am a very anxious person, but wasn’t diagnosed with anxiety until my sophomore year of college. Through different life events and the pandemic that have taken place recently, my emotions and anxiety have been all over the place… Until I started using Valor. I have felt more emotionally stable while using this oil. It helps ground me and helps me focus on more positive things instead of dwelling on the negative. I feel happier and more at peace, even through difficult times I feel like I can take a deep breath and that everything will be ok and work out the way it is supposed to. 

Boosts Memory

If you are someone who is having trouble remembering things like, where you left your keys, where you last put your phone, what you ate for lunch yesterday or can’t recall an important event, Valor may be able to help you improve your memory. Diffuse this oil at home or apply it to your wrists or neck to give you that boost of memory you may be needing. 

Chiropractor in a Bottle

This oil is also known as the “chiropractor in a bottle.” It helps align your bones and improve your body balance. It helps relieve joint and back pain, and relieve headaches. You can also use it to treat burns. 

I have seen how well this oil works for its chiropractic uses first hand. My dad hurt his back the other day and thought that we might as well give it a try so I put a few drops on his back, massaged it in and shortly after, his pain had subsided. We were both amazed , and it is an oil we turn to regularly now for pain. 


There are so many oils that you can use for sleep support, and Valor is on that list. It is a good oil to diffuse to help you wind down and decompress after a long day. If you are someone who tends to snore, this oil may help you snore less, or even stop altogether. Apply a drop to your big toes before bed to help ease your snoring. But be careful not to get it on your white sheets, as it is a very dark purple/blue color and will stain.

If you are wanting to try some Valor essential oil, grab a starter kit, or to learn more about essential oils and get your questions answered, feel free to email me at, message me on social media @kennedyglane or go to my site and grab a starter kit! 

Kennedy Lane



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