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College Life Lifestyle

Being Present In The Moment

Recently I have noticed that I have been really stressed, uptight, anxious and worried. I am in a very stressful season of life and the closer we get to April, the more stressed I get. But within the last few days I have noticed little reminders popping up here and there that are telling me to be present and to breathe in the moment.

For those of you that dont know, I am a senior in college majoring in English with an emphasis in Professional Writing and a minor in business. I am set to graduate in April, which is only about a month and a half away. And let me tell you, I have no idea what I am doing with my life after college. I do not have a full time job lined up and have no idea where I will be going. However, I am still living a busy life. I am a full time student preparing for graduation, that in itself is stressful, but I am also co president of a club on campus that I have to manage, run meetings and organize events for, I have three part time jobs that I am trying to balance on top of homework and actively searching and interviewing for full time job positions. Needless to say, my plate is pretty full. 

On top of all of this, I have relationships I am trying to keep up with, friends, family, and boyfriend all require time as well. I love spending time with my friends, it helps distract me from all the other stressors I have going on, but sometimes I can’t help but worry about my other responsibilities when I am with them. 

These responsibilities have led to a lot of stress and fear of the future to the point where it is unhealthy at times. There have been times where i have looked forward to certain life events being over so I no longer have to worry about it and can move on to the next.

This is the opposite of being present.

These next few months are supposed to be fun and exciting. Graduating college means celebrating the last four years and an accomplishment I’ve made surrounded by all my close family and friends. It is starting a new season of life. As it is unknown, it is still exciting and something to look forward to. 

As my time in college comes to a close, I am learning to be more present in each moment as it comes. There are only so many more times that I will walk this campus as a GCU student and that is bitter sweet. I will not be living on campus anymore, surrounded by friends that I have had for the past four years. I should cherish these moments that I spend with them, even if they are very small. 

I have so much life yet to live and this is a chapter that is closing, as I should cherish the past and forward to the future, I am learning to stay in the present and enjoy life one day at a time. 

Kennedy Lane



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