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When You Question “What Is Wrong With Me?”

At some point or another we all question ourselves. We wonder what is going on with our lives. In a time of singleness it is easy to question things like “What is wrong with me” or “Why doesn’t anyone want to be with me?” That is totally normal and I think most people go through it, I know I have. I know how you feel, because I have been there. These are things that you might be feeling: 

Nobody Wants Me

When you have been single for what feels like a significant amount of time, you may feel like there is just nobody out there who wants you. You might feel unworthy of love and start to doubt your self worth. 

Trust me, this is not the case. You are so wanted and adored, but you might just need to be single during this time in your life. There are people who want you, but may not be meant to be with you. 

Am I Weird

It is easy to start to question all of your physical traits and personality traits. You might start to question if you are too weird or quirky for people to like you. You might feel like nobody can handle your goofiness. 

But the right person will love this about you. They will join in on your weirdness and be goofy right alongside you. 

Am I Ugly

Maybe you start to think that you are not pretty enough or attractive at enough for someone to like you. I know that I have felt this way in the past. You might be insecure about a certain body part and want to change something that might be impossible to change. 

You are beautiful just the way you are. Do not doubt yourself. Know that you are gorgeous inside and out and the right person will think that you are stunning in every way possible. Have self confidence and you will attract more like minded people into your life. Radiate positivity and you will attract positivity. 

Am I Stupid

You might feel that you are not intelligent enough. You might feel like you do not have enough book smarts or street smarts. You could feel too dumb for anyone to like you. Maybe you feel like you are not as smart as you should be. 

Stop thinking that way. You are smart. Do not question your intelligence. You are strong and smart and the right person will love you for your brain and your beauty. 

What Is It

After going through the laundry list of possible things that could be wrong with you, you start to question what the heck it could be when you can’t pinpoint one specific thing. That is because there is NOTHING wrong with you. You are your own kind of perfect and you are the person that God created you to be. Do not doubt your worth

Confidence Is Key

It is so important to have self confidence and to know how to be comfortable in your own skin. Learn to love yourself before anything else. If you do not love yourself first, then nobody else can love you either. Confidence is attractive and positivity is beautiful. Have confidence and positivity in who you are and you will attract the right people into your life. 

The Right Person Will Come At The Right Time

Your person is out there. You may not be at a point in life where you are ready for them, or they may not be ready for you. God will bring you to each other at the right time. He has a perfect plan and has your person picked out for you. He will give you your person when the time is right. But for now, have confidence in yourself and be happy in this moment in life. Do not be wishing for things that you cannot control. Let go and let God take care of it. 

Kennedy Lane



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