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I Wanna Take You Back

When you find someone that you click with instantly, it is an amazing feeling, but when you lose that person who makes you happiest and you can be yourself around, it hurts worse than you can ever imagine. You try to numb the pain with other people searching for a connection like you have had in the past. But it doesn’t always end up like you expect it to. 

When Dating, Be Sure To Keep The Receipt

Let me tell ya a little something about dating… It. Is. Hard. I honestly do not know a single person who has had an easy and enjoyable time when it has come to dating, especially while in college. Here are the different types of people and their views on dating that I have encountered while in college:

  • Doesn’t Date/ Waiting for the “Perfect Person” 

There are a lot of girls out there who just choose not to date because they have not met “THE guy” that they are attracted to in every way possible and instantly click with. But I am going to be real, that person is hard to find. You are not going to automatically click with every person you meet or every person you date. You need to date all different kinds of people, to realize who the type of person that you need truly is. You need to date different people to understand how you should be treated and what kind of person you are attracted to most. 

  • Dates Everyone

On the opposite end of the “not dating” girl, there is the girl who will date everyone that asks her out. She is the one that is seen as a “whore” or “slut” for going out so much. But she is not any of those things just for going on dates. She is trying to figure out what kind of person she needs in her life and what kind of person she wants to spend the rest of her life with. 

  • Online Dating 

Finally, there is the girl who likes online dating. The girl who is on all the dating apps, from Tinder, to Bumble, to Hinge. She will go out with any and every guy she meets online. She is not afraid of meeting new people and going on dates with whoever will take her out. She wants the dating experience and to go out and have fun and she might just run into THE one along the way. 

Keeping Your Guard up 

Taking down your walls can be difficult when jumping into a new relationship, and the more you get hurt, the harder taking those walls down gets. 

Keeping your guard up is important. You need to know how to take them down slowly. You need to know that you can trust the other person 100%. The last thing that you want to do is get blindsided and heartbroken more than necessary. 

Nothing hurts more than letting someone in and giving them the power to completely destroy you and they take advantage of that opportunity. Letting someone in when you do not completely trust them is only going to lead to potential heartbreak, and when your heart breaks, it never heals quite the same. 

You Want to Take Him Back

When you fall for someone completely and give them your heart, you will often want to do anything to take them back, especially when the heartbreak is fresh, you feel as if they are the only person that can heal those wounds. They are the only person that can make you happy. If you were to have them back, you will be complete again. But what you need to remember is that you cannot heal by the same knife that cut you. Be happy with yourself, by yourself. If you cannot make yourself happy, how do you expect anyone else to love you? 

Or Take Him Back to Where He Came From

Honey, if he treats you like dirt, I hope you kept the receipt because you need to take him back from where he came from. If he does not treat you like a queen, do not keep him around. You deserve way more than that. You deserve a man who will give you the world. 

Too Many Douchebags  

I have dated too many bad guys. I thought they were guys that I wanted to spend my life with, when they were actually horrible guys. I wish I could return them and erase all memory of them, so I do not have to ever relive those painful memories. I have had my heart broken more times than I would have liked and gave the wrong people my trust and my heart. 

But I have learned from my mistakes and now I know how I deserve to be treated and what to look for in a relationship. 

So to all the douchebags: I do not want you back, I want to take you back to where you came from

Kennedy Lane



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