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The Reality Of Body Image

Insecurity is basically inevitable. Every human being at some point in their lifetime feels insecure, and not only insecure in certain situations, but insecure about their body. We either do not like the way our stomach looks or wish our arms were more toned. We feel like there is something that we want to change. Everyone deals with body image at some point or another.

I Struggled For Years

I remember my teenage years were the worst of it. I had a lot of body image issues when I was in high school. I was very insecure about how I looked every single day. I was conscious of the way my clothes fit and would try to wear clothes that were as flattering as possible. I wore makeup to hide my blemishes and try to bring out my good features to distract from the features I was insecure about.

Social Media Is Toxic

With the increase of technology and social media taking the world by storm, everyone is living their lives through the media. We are constantly comparing ourselves to other people. We wish that we could have a body like some random Instagram model when we aren’t even built the same way. Social media gives false impressions of who people really are. Everyone puts their most glamorous moments on social media and edit them to look even better than they truly are.

Fake It Til You Make It

The phrase “fake it til you make it” really does work, I have learned this from experience. When I realized how upset my body image was making me feel, how down on myself I was, I decided to try my best to love the body I was given. I showed people the confident side of me and showed people that I loved myself, even though I didn’t really mean it. Eventually, I was no longer faking it. I started to love my body and everything about me and became my happiest and best self.

Every Female Struggles With It

It seems that every girl that I talk to has had struggles with body image at some point in their life. It is something that is not talked about very often and is just swept under the rug. We hide what we do not like and do everything we can to avoid bringing attention to ourselves. It is something that needs to be addressed because if it is bad enough it can lead to health issues such as anorexia or bulimia, and it should never have to get to that point.

Accept Yourself

If you are struggling with body image, I encourage you to try your best to look on the positive side and accept yourself for who God made you to be. Notice the parts of yourself that you do love and work from there. Self-acceptance and self-love is very important, and if you love yourself, you will live a happier life.

Work For The Body You Want

If there is some part of your body that you wish to change, then you should do just that. Set goals, make a plan and have some determination to better yourself and change what you want about your body. Work hard to get the results you want and you will feel more confident in your own skin.

Wear What Makes You Feel Confident

If you wear clothes and makeup that make you feel confident on a daily basis, you will start to become happier and more confident in your body and who you are. Do not let other people bring you down, wear what you want and feel comfortable and confident in, weather it is jeans and a t-shirt or a bikini. Who cares? As long as you are happy, that is all that matters.

Kennedy Lane



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