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I’m Just A City Girl Living In A Small Town

Growing up, I moved around quite a bit. I have lived in three different states and four different cities by the age of six. When I was six, we landed in a small town in Northern Arizona. I grew up in the city of Flagstaff up at 7,000 feet in the mountains. 

My family traveled from time to time and that was the way to feed my inner-city girl’s soul. In high school we would go visit Northern California (where we lived before, we moved to AZ) and we would make sure to spend a day in San Francisco. From then on out we would visit every year. 

Visiting San Francisco and traveling to other big cities always made me really happy. Everything about the city excites me. I fall in love with the city lights, the people, and all of the different opportunities. 

Every time I enter the city, I’m like a kid in a candy store, giddy with excitement and eager to explore. 

As I have gotten older, I have fallen more and more in love with the city. I love a fast pace, busy lifestyle. 

There is so much more excitement in the big city. You can meet new people on every corner and always explore new places. There is never a dull moment when in the city. 

Whereas growing up in a small town, everybody knows everybody and the only thing to do is drink coffee and go to Target, and you can’t run errands without having a class reunion. 

Living in a small town with a city girl heart has been difficult at times, but I still hold onto those hopes and dreams of living in the big city. I am determined to make those childhood dreams of mine come true and move to a big city. 

With hard work and determination, you can make your dreams come true. 

Kennedy Lane



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